Canada’s population is aging and the trend is rapidly increasing. We have more than 6 million seniors over the age of 65 now and the wait time for a Yee Hong long-term care bed can be as long as 10 years, compared to the provincial average of 152 days! The need to provide culturally-appropriate, quality senior care will only grow in the future.
To tackle this urgent problem, Yee Hong is planning to build 3 new centres in Scarborough, Markham and Mississauga, doubling its current capacity of 805 long-term care beds to 1,605 beds. Total construction costs are estimated to be $400 million.
We need your support! The first step is to raise $80 million to get the construction of the new buildings started. Remember... Love Gives!
total costs
$400 million
campaign goal
raised to date

Simply true stories
The Importance of Culturally Appropriate Long-Term Care
Yee Hong's High Quality Dementia Care
I Can Dance Program For Parkinson's Clients

We need your support

We Need Your Help!
If you are interested to host your own fundraising event to support the Love Gives Capital Campaign and require assistance, please contact us at 416-321-0777 or foundation@yeehong.com.